Park Lane Project
Peg loved Hudson and was active in the community supporting her church, the schools, and many of the cultural assets near and dear to her heart. Today, Peg’s Foundation stays true to her intent by keeping connected to the Hudson community, supporting its members and making a positive impact to enhance the place she called home.
Peg’s Gallery and Foundation Home
In late September 2020, we purchased a hinge property in Hudson that we will reconfigure and create connectivity to the public greens. Our vision includes the historic presence of the Baldwin Buss House, a public-facing space for art, and our permanent legacy home. We are committed to our Founder, Peg Morgan and the cultural assets of downtown Hudson. This project honors her and will prominently demonstrate her interests while keeping her present in the Hudson community and her longtime home.
"We are committed to our Founder, Peg Morgan and the cultural assets of downtown Hudson. This project honors her and will prominently demonstrate her interests while keeping her present in the Hudson community and her longtime home."
Rick Kellar, President, Peg’s Foundation