The Foundation invests primarily in mental health programs in Northeast Ohio. We also support arts and education initiatives in Summit County.
Applications will only be accepted from organizations recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Peg’s Foundation uses an online process for mental health and arts grants. All communications regarding grants are handled through the grant portal.
Our timelines have changed due to the volume of work we are currently supporting. Please check back on April 15, 2025, for information on our new process and schedule. Thank you for your patience!
New Grantee
- Create an account to proceed.
Returning Grantee
- Log into the online grant portal and submit a new grant inquiry by the deadline. We do not accept late requests.
- If your grant inquiry represents a realistic, strategic, and potentially successful opportunity to advance the mission of the Foundation, you will be invited to submit a full proposal. While it is important for your request to align with our vision and mission, that does not guarantee an invitation to apply. Other factors, such as available grant funds and other projects under consideration or in process, will impact acceptance of requests. Applicants will be notified by email within ten days of the grant inquiry deadline.
- Please note that full proposals are by invitation only.
Full Proposal
The applicant will be notified by email to submit a full proposal, due approximately 30 days from the grant inquiry response.
If you have questions about submitting a proposal, call: 330.655.1366 or send us an email at inquiry@pegsfoundation.
Review Process
Grant Manager Review
Once the proposal is received, staff will review the proposal to insure all documentation has been submitted, and will contact the applicant if additional information is necessary.
Program Officer Review
The Foundation’s program staff then read and review the full proposals assigned to their subject areas. The applicant will then be contacted to schedule a meeting in the next two months for the program officer to gather additional information and pose questions.
Note: During the due diligence meeting, program staff may indicate that the proposed project has been identified as having merit but recommends strengthening the proposal.
Due Diligence Report
Program officers provide a summary report to the President of the Foundation. Once reviewed, they are submitted to Trustees with the original proposal and select attachments. Please be aware that this occurs during the last few weeks of the review stage, and it is imperative that applicants respond quickly if asked for any clarification or revisions to the proposed project.
Final Review and Decision
Though the Foundation’s program staff is responsible for reviewing and evaluating all proposals, only the Foundation’s Trustees have the authority to approve grants.
Possible Outcomes
- Approved as proposed
- Approved with modifications
- Declined as proposed
- Deferred for review at another grant cycle
All communication regarding grant requests is handled through the grant portal.
Notifications regarding current and potential grants are made to the contact person listed on the grant request so be sure to keep this information current.
Within two weeks of the trustees meeting, notification of the decisions will be processed through the grant portal.
Grant Agreement
Signed Contract
Once a grant request is approved, the Foundation will email each grantee a Grant Agreement with specific terms to which both parties agree. The agreement will include the conditions and specific objectives of the grant, communication guidelines, compliance issues, prohibited use of funds, and a reporting schedule. It will be signed by a representative of the Foundation and sent to the person designated as the signee in the full proposal. Disbursement of funds will be determined once the Grant Agreement has been countersigned and returned to the Foundation.
After a grant has been awarded, a grant agreement letter is signed by the grantee acknowledging the specific expectations and terms of the grant. Interim and/or final reports must be submitted by the due dates in the grant agreement.