2011 Impact Awards

Pictured from left to right: Rick Kellar, Terry Russell, Barbara Feld, Nancy Montagna, and Steve McPeake.
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Pictured are Victoria Doepker, William H. Fellows, recipient of the Chairman’s Award and Rick Kellar
On November 2, 2011, The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, honored four individuals for their outstanding work and contributions to the community at the 2011 Morgan Impact Awards at the Ralph Regula Conference Center at Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) in Rootstown Township.
It was a night of connecting and celebrating as guests walked the red carpet for photos and enjoyed the music of Moss Stanley Trio during the pre-ceremony reception. Following dinner, award recipients were showcased through inspiring videos and received a custom glass art sculpture and framed certificate.
William H. Fellows of Wadsworth received the Chairman’s Award for his selfless contribution of time and talent to the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation and for decades of service to Burt, Peg, and the extended Morgan Family.
Impact Award recipients recognized were:
Impact Award for Transformation: Nancy Montagna, Help Hotline Crisis Center, Inc., Youngstown
Impact Award for Innovation: Steve McPeake, North Coast Community Homes, Cleveland
Impact Award for Imagination: Barbara Feld, Tuesday Musical Association, Akron
The Compass Award: Terry Russell, NAMI Ohio, Columbus
“This awards program now in its second year, honors very deserving and creative people who demonstrate exemplary performance in the areas of mental health, education and the arts,” remarked Rick Kellar, President of the Foundation, “These committed individuals connect their personal passions with their professional pursuits making a resounding impact on those around them.”
Nancy Montagna living with her own mental illness changed the lives of more than 600 individuals. Using her own experiences she teaches others how to manage their mental illness and offers them kindness, unwavering encouragement, and friendship long after the classes end. She attributes her wellness to the support of her husband, family and co-workers.
Steve McPeake helped develop and assists in maintaining specialized housing for people diagnosed with severe mental illness. His advocacy efforts created safe homes for individuals living in Summit County. He humbly credited the many people in his organization for their hard work and dedication to improving the lives of people living with mental illness and their neighborhoods.
Barbara Feld is committed to Tuesday Musical’s Education Outreach Program that gives teachers the opportunity to offer their students cultural experiences in the arts. Ms. Feld and the Education Outreach Program have made a lasting impact on young people and their families throughout our region. She thanked the schools and organizations of Greater Akron for their partnerships with Tuesday Musical Association and is proud to play a part helping young people discover their passions.
Terry Russell’s career and passion for mental health was formed through his experiences having a family member with schizophrenia. He has spent more than 39 years helping give a voice to individuals who are misunderstood, stigmatized, and ignored. He encouraged the audience to learn more about mental illnesses and to treat these lovely people with dignity and respect so they will have an improved quality of life.
The 2011 Morgan Impact Award recipients are accomplished in their respective fields and have made an impact on Ohio and the Northeast region.
About the Foundation: The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, founded in 2001, is a private grantmaking foundation whose primary focus is the mental health field, with secondary interest in education and the arts. The mission is to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness by investing in innovative projects in Northeast Ohio having national transformational impact. For information, please visit www.mcmfdn.org, call 330-655-1366, or email inquiry@mcmfdn.org